Are you drinking the Holy Water? Here's your chance. Fantastic. Now I'm in need of RuneScape Gold 8 summoning shards. I believe Pikkupstix on Tavelry offers some. I believe I know what you're referring to. Hello, (Player name). Can I help? I'm in need of 8 summoning Shards to Salen. Oh, me and him are way back. You can take them to the library for free.
Pikkupstix provides you with a bag of summoning pieces. Return to Salen. How did it go? Pikkupstix presents you with this pouch of pieces of shards. Perfect. Now to complete the ingredients ritual, I'll require Salve Robes. Contact Sanfew. I'm sure he has spares. They'll be back in the near future I'm certain.
Go to Sanfew in the Herb shop that is upstairs in Tavelry. Hello, (player name). You have visited my humble home. Salen sent me. He is in need of a pair Salve Robes. Here's the link. Best wishes to Salen Visit Salen. Thank you. Now, I'd like you to wear these robes to mix the potion. (Salve Robes Require 35 Magic and 40 Prayer to wear, and the potion needs 65 Herblores to Mix)
Salen gives her herb, shards, and a vial of holy water. Mix it all together in the vial of HOLY WATER and you'll receive an Salve Potion. Speak With Salen. Do you have the Salve Potion? Yes, it's here. It's awesome! Now I can reclaim my City of Travel! That's right! !
Salens robes grow black, he flies off from his chair and bolts out of the room. Go to Tavelry for great food and armor. A scene will be shown. With that foolish adventurer subdued I'm in a position to Buy OSRS Accounts restore this weak city. Pikkupstix, Drezel, Sanfew, Nature Spirit, and Player: Get off at Salen! Gah! Are you confident that I will not stop you? Think again!