Anyhow, Dungeoneering is not something that you can definitely clarify, there were a few clan wars updates for F2P, but otherwise F2P hasn't got much. . I have tried PvP from the Beta. It is pretty great. PvP from the Live, that is another story. I am not rich enough to OSRS gold replace any of my lost gear, so I generally don't go up north. Plus I don't possess the herblore level for overloads. Still, I would not call PvP with the current battle system"dead combat," though it really is a matter of opinion.
I'd agree that combating non-boss monsters in the current system is really boring but it will likely always be the way. EoC won't make battling non-boss monsters interesting... It'll just make you spam skills. I have PvP'ed in the live match and it is fantastic. Beta PvP'ing... Right now, it is fantastic. Everyone gets Complete Torva/Pernix/chaotics whatever. But no one goes into the crazy risking Torva and pernix. So, you could easily get 1 struck a 4000 whilst pking in rune - or something such as a 4000, just like only stun them and reach on a few times. - they'll die easily.
I have looked up guides for your Fight Kiln however I still have a couple questions about it. When I've dreadnips can I use those about the dills and bank my pickaxe? Is tanking the Jad's in Ganodermic top + legs attainable or more worthwhile to pray switch/flinch? If I am bringing two tort pouches along with a unicorn pouch + scrolls, do I substitute brews to them?
I will also be filling a Tort with brews before entering. Please help answer my questions and give me some extra tips, its greatly appreciated. Thank you!
If I really don't have Augury/Rigour prayers should I be on curses? If you do not suck flashing, soul split whenever you have only a few enemies for you personally. If you do suck flashing, you can tank possibly two meleers OR two rangers OR 1 little mage while spirit splitting. When I have dreadnips could I use those about the dills and cheap RuneScape gold bank my pickaxe? Only if you also have a titan, which you clearly do not if you're using a tort.